A Shaker Sonnet

Sent to me by Shaker JL, who kindly consented to let me post it.

Sonnet 116 to Bushco

(no apologies needed to Shakespeare,
who was himself somewhat queer)

Let us now to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
That does not heterosexually bind,
Nor has approval from the powers above.
Oh no! 'tis a liberal philosophy of death and gloom
By God and right-ful Christians forsaken;
It moves marriage to the very edge of doom—
Which requires this constitutional step be taken.
Such marriages are a sad and sinful blunder,
A horrible, iniquitous blot upon the nation,
And, besides, will cause the people to wonder
About their own stale sexual orientation.
If this be error and upon us proved,
We should from White House and senate be summarily removed.

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