The Sanctity of Marriage

Either someone at Yahoo has a devilish sense of humor, or they have no clue. Their front page news article at the moment:

What To Do With Old Wedding Gowns, Rings
With an estimated 40 percent of first marriages ending in divorce, Cue is surely not the only divorcee left holding the baguettes. Or wedding dress or platinum band, for that matter.

What's a girl to do?
So what's one to do with that stuff?

For women like Cue, finding a private buyer for an old engagement ring is "the best scenario," says Bert Wait, owner of Hinsdale Fine Jewelry Co., in Oak Brook, Ill. A private sale can bring about 50 percent of the ring's retail price, excluding sales tax, he says. The remaining 50 percent can be credited to a jeweler's overhead, he says.

The article also suggests, "don't forget the internet!" and consignment possibilities, when your marraige goes sour and you don't know what do to with the stuff.

I'd go into a long rant about this, but I'm sure you can see where I'm going.
Miller advises sellers to keep it less personal, even having a friend write the listing. Then, to ensure traffic, she says, always include a photo -- but not one from the big day with a big white dot over the bride and groom's once-happy faces. "It's creepy!"

Tee-Hee! *eyeroll*

(Take this cross-post and shove it..)

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