Thursday's "Name that Cult Movie!"

Time for this week's madness! Remember, leave your guesses in the comments. People that cheat with the IMDB are traitors and hate the troops.

1. Ferdy: "Look, I'm sorry if I made you angry, Linda."
Linda: "It's not you, Ferdy. I'm... just not used to be chased around a mall in the middle of the night by killer robots."

2. "Your father's one sick mother. Actually your mother is one sick mother too."

3. "Why do I always think gettin' you home for Life Day is gonna be easy?"

4. "Women. Nothing surprises me Chip, except your late mother. Who'dve thought Selina had a brain to damage? Bottom line, she tries to blackmail me, I'll drop her out a higher window. Meantime, I got fatter fish to fry!"

5. "Creature stole my twinkie!"

6. "Stay where you are then, and I'll give you an eye witness description of this, intergalatic wanker!"

7. "Wings? But... I don't have wings!"
"Of course not. You're a boy."

8. "The penis is evil. The penis shoots seeds, and makes new life, and poisons the earth with a plague of men, as once it was. But the gun shoots death, and purifies the earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth and kill!"

9. "How many times do I have to demonstrate to you... your guns are worthless against me!"

10. "The Sergeant, a shaken man, returned babbling about what had happened. Realizing the full danger of the situation, decided he had only one means left to stop the monster: Grenades. Now Bradford made a drastic move. Acting on his superior authority, he forbade Caldwell to destroy the creature. The Colonel, more concerned with saving human lives than advancing Science, told Bradford to "Go to Hell.""

(Hooray for Cross-posts...)

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