Random Question: Is Andrea Bocelli gay?

I know I’m not the only nitwit around here who’s desperately addicted to American Idol, so I was wondering if anyone else noticed on Tuesday night’s show that when Andrea Bocelli was meeting with Chris Daughtry, and Chris told him he was going to be singing “Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman,” Bocelli responded with something like, “The title is a problem…” and laughed. Mr. Shakes and I looked at each other and I said, “Did he just out himself?”

I guess, upon reflection, he could have been suggesting that he’s just never really loved a woman, but there was something that seemed a bit cheekier about it than that. Did anyone else notice it? Has anyone ever heard that Bocelli is gay? I’ve never heard that, and didn’t find anything online that suggests he’s out.

In any case, I just found it interesting, because with all the subtle and not-so-subtle references to Ryan Seacrest and some former contestants being gay, some of which is exceedingly tiresome by this point, it would be interesting if Bocelli chose that particular venue to out himself.

His performance last night was amazing, by the way, which I know is a little bit like saying, “Shakespeare’s Sister is kinda sarcastic”—in other words, “Duh”—but nevertheless, I really enjoyed seeing him perform.

Oh, and David Foster is a dick.

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