A Retraction

Unlike such people as Michelle Malkin and the Prezint himself, I am more than willing to admit when I have made a mistake. A few days ago, I posted about the ridiculous meme of Christian Persecution, and challenged people to inform me of a college that would expel you for being Christian and/or conservative.

Well, one has been thrown in my face, and I must apologize.

In the latest Spittle & Ink Podcast, the well-researched Chet Masters points out the Northeastern liberal "College of Satan," which features such courses as:
  • Boiling babies for profit
  • The History of Curses
He's right; there's no way you could be a God-fearing Christian in such a university! And to think, a simple google search would have saved me this embarrassment! I am thoroughly ashamed of myself. Consider this my full and complete retraction of that post; I don't know what I was thinking.

The Adventures of the Smart Patrol regrets the error.

(Thanks, Mark Spittle!)

(Night and cross-post... you are the one...)

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