break out the champagne and placenta!

Because the Tombryo arrived today:

KATIE HOLMES gave birth to a 7-lb., 7-oz., 20-inch healthy baby girl named Suri on Tuesday.

...Tom was present for the birth, and reps for the star tell ET that both Katie and baby Suri are doing well. Little Suri's name has its origins in Hebrew meaning "princess," or in Persian meaning "red rose."

In somewhat related news, Brooke Shields had her baby girl today too:

Shields [...] gave birth Tuesday morning in Los Angeles to a 7-pound, 20-inch girl, the actress' publicist confirmed to E! News.

Shields' new addition, named Grier Hammond, is the second child for her and husband, Chris Henchy, 42, a screenwriter (Entourage). The couple's oldest daughter, Rowan, turns 3 next month.

I bet the paparazzi are going insane.

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