Syria? Whosit? Whassat?

The McClellatron 3000 is back in action.

QUESTION: There are allegations that we sent people to Syria to be tortured…


QUESTION: Yes. You’ve never heard of any allegations like that?

MCCLELLAN: No, I’ve never heard that one. That’s a new one.

QUESTION: Syria? You haven’t heard that?

MCCLELLAN: That’s a new one.

QUESTION: Well, I can assure you it’s been well publicized. My question is…

MCCLELLAN: By what, bloggers?
Can’t you just hear the sneer and feel the spittle as he sputtered out “bloggers” with all the contempt your mother attached to the name of a friend who was always allowed to do everything you weren’t allowed to do?

“But Joey’s allowed to sleep over on school nights!”

“Well, Joey will probably turn out to be a dodo-headed lunatic who has to rob liquor stores to feed his family.”

Or spin Bush administration bullshit like a whirling dervish while Satan swallows his soul in itty, bitty pieces every day.

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