State of Disappointment, Redux

Let’s take a look at last year’s SOTU wrap-up:

Freedom around the world! And end to tyranny! Liberty and justice for all! Not so fast, faggots...
This year: We dream of a time when every American is rich in hope and equal in opportunity. Not so fast, faggots…

How can a speech riddled with references to freedom and equality contain a call for a federal marriage amendment denying rights to a sizable portion of the American public? Or a demand to make tax cuts favoring the wealthiest permanent?
This year: How can a speech riddled with references to freedom and equality contain a call for a federal marriage amendment denying rights to a sizable portion of the American public? Or a demand to make tax cuts favoring the wealthiest permanent?

And what was with the Dems' rebuttal? Fucking hell, could Harry Reid have been a bigger snoozefest?! I kept expecting him to put on a cardigan and some sneakers and break into "It's a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood."
This Year: I miss Harry Reid. He was quite the spitfire last year, wasn’t he?

Every year, Bush likes to deliver the SOTU like he hasn’t been president for years already. It’s just another campaign speech—and the Dems’ respond with a campaign speech of their own, instead of starting out, as they rightly should with, “You might have noticed the president made lots of promises to do things for Americans, but those are things he and his Republican majority have every opportunity to do for you every day and choose not to. But he can’t talk about the real state of our union, because we face a lot of problems, and many of them are of his making.”

Be an opposition party. Please.

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