Question of the Day

Stolen from PSoTD: Which blogger would you most like to see run for public office—and which office?

I chose to totally punt on the question, and answered that I’d rather see Peter Daou, who has elucidated the keenest understanding of what is missing in the Left's political infrastructure, handed carte blanche to cast out all the current democratic strategists and start rebuilding from the ground up.

But if I’m going to answer my own question, I’d nominate John Howard for president. He’s resolutely and unabashedly progressive, frames his argument on every issue in a totally no-nonsense, straightforward way that seems congenitally elusive for establishment Dems, he knows when to debate, when to fight, and when to treat a counter-argument with the contempt it deserves, and he’s inimitably relatable, likable, and genuinely witty. I could absolutely see him winning over NASCAR dads with good, old-fashioned common sense and integrity. He’s also very smart; all the evidence you need is that he was the first commenter ever at Shakespeare’s Sister (heh heh).

And I’m fairly certain he’s actually old enough to run.

Now you.

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