British Priest Victim of Homobigot Attack

I could use every single one of the swear words cited in yesterday’s QotD to describe how angry this makes me:

The Rt Rev Dr Barry Rathbone, 37, was sitting in Bournemouth Central Gardens eating a burger after a night out, when he was approached by a man and a woman.

The man began shouting homophobic abuse and hit Dr Rathbone, who is openly gay, leaving him with two broken ribs and several broken fingers…

Dr Rathbone, of Winton, is an International Community of St John the Divine priest for the Beacon Project at Boscombe's East Cemetery Chapel.

He told the BBC News website he had spent the evening at the Exchange gay bar when he was attacked on his way home.

The assailant also shouted expletives relating to Dr Rathbone's sexual orientation, he said.

"I admit I am an openly-gay priest but [my sexuality] doesn't define me," Dr Rathbone said.

"Being gay is just part of my personality. I don't look gay, if there is such a thing. I was just sat on a stone wall eating a burger."

Dr Rathbone, who is a well-known figure in the area where he works promoting safe sex in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, said he wanted others to learn from his experience.
His attacker is still at large.

I don’t suppose any of the homobigot hatemongers who disseminate, under an alleged banner of God, exactly the kind of vitriol that makes such assaults inevitable will learn a lesson about how dangerous their gay-bashing is, in spite of its usefulness as a fundraiser. No doubt the likes of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and James Dobson just think this gay priest got what he deserved. Assholes.

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