Three-Ring (and Two-Judge and counting) Circus

DeLay’s antics continue unabated:

Two days after Rep. Tom DeLay won a fight to get a new judge in his case, prosecutors Thursday succeeded in ousting the Republican responsible for selecting the new judge.

Administrative Judge B.B. Schraub withdrew after District Attorney Ronnie Earle filed a request to have him removed.

Schraub said he will ask the chief justice of the Texas Supreme Court — a Republican — to name a judge to preside over DeLay's conspiracy and money laundering trial.


On Tuesday, District Judge Bob Perkins, a Democrat, was removed from DeLay's case at the congressman's request because of his contributions to Democrats.

The district attorney argued that Schraub was objectionable, too, because he has contributed to GOP candidates including Gov. Rick Perry, a DeLay ally. Earle said the contributions called into question Schraub's ability to be impartial.


Prosecutors also suggested that Schraub appears politically indebted to Perry, who appointed him as administrative judge and can reappoint him in January.
Good lord. Quite a fiasco.

Perkins shouldn’t have been removed “at DeLay’s request” in the first place. Nice precedent.

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