Question of the Day

Actually, this is the second question of the day. Tart’s very cool question earlier got buried beneath all the Senate madness, so if you haven’t seen that one, be sure to check it out.

I was thinking yesterday about an old friend who broke up with his boyfriend over a Halloween costume. (At least, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, anyway. He was supposed to arrive at the party as Marc Antony; instead he showed up clad as a half-assed dalmation, resulting in one very annoyed Cleopatra.) So today’s question is: What’s the dumbest reason you’ve ever broken up with someone? Or, failing that, what’s the dumbest thing that’s ever caused an argument between you and a partner?

I’ve never broken up with anyone for a dumb reason, unless you count discovering that someone was a slack-jawed moron as a dumb reason, so I’ll go with the dumb fight. Mr. Shakes and I never fight about big things. On the rare occasions we do fight, it’s always about some piddly shit, like leaving the fucking bathroom light on all the bloody time! or picking up those fucking clothes on the floor before I puke! (I’ll leave you to discern which was directed at whom, though I assure you there was one of each.)

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