Further Signs of Intelligent Life

This time, in Colorado!

Denver Voters OK Marijuana Possession

DENVER - Residents of the Mile High City have voted to legalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana for adults. Authorities, though, said state possession laws will be applied instead.

With 100 percent of precincts reporting early Wednesday, 54 percent, or 56,001 voters, cast ballots for the ordinance, while 46 percent, or 48,632 voters, voted against it.

Under the measure, residents over 21 years old could possess up to an ounce of marijuana.

"We educated voters about the facts that marijuana is less harmful to the user and society than alcohol," said Mason Tvert, campaign organizer for SAFER, or Safer Alternatives For Enjoyable Recreation. "To prohibit adults from making the rational, safer choice to use marijuana is bad public policy."

They also gave Jay Leno monologue material for about a week.

It's about time that someone realized that marijuana is not the bugaboo that Nancy Regan would have us believe. When you consider the time, money (especially money) and resources spent on busting people for having a little pot in the house, this is a really good move. I'm sure we'll hear a lot of "what about the children?" wails, and a lot of pulpit thunder, but kudos to the voters in Denver for voting intelligently. Getting in hysterics about the dangers of pot use while ignoring the damage caused by alcohol use is ridiculous.

I just hope they put a "no bogarting" clause in the law. Thank you! I'll be here all week! Goodnight!

(Up in cross-posts, that's where my money goes...)

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