Support the Arts

Christopher Goodwin is a DC-area artist who’s raffling off one of his pieces, Rime (which I happen to like quite a bit, myself—hence the post). Normally, it would sell for $550, but you can buy a raffle ticket for $7 for a chance to win Rime—or a second place prize of one of his prints. Chris says:

Just 6 more days to buy a raffle ticket for a great painting. I need to sell 30 more tickets or the raffle gets cancelled, which would be an ignominious defeat. Details below.

Raffles are nothing new, of course, but I've never had one. And I'm always seeking new ways of getting my art out of the studio and into the world.

So, for buying a $7.00 raffle ticket, you might win a painting that costs $550. Or, because I'll have a second prize, you might at least win a print of my choice. The drawing will be on Saturday, October 15, at noon sharp.

[Rime is] one of my "interstitial" paintings, measures 20 inches square, and is acrylic on canvas. It's a gallery-wrap canvas with staple-free sides that are painted black. It needs no framing.

For each raffle ticket sold (and participants may buy as many tickets as they like), I will place the buyer's contact info on a 4"x4" slip of paper, crumple it into a ball, and drop it into a box. At noon on October 15, I will have a completely disinterested person I do not know pull the winning ticket from the box (I will ask a random passerby outside Capitol Hill's Eastern Market Metro station to do the honors).
You can buy tickets via Pay Pal by clicking the link at the end of the post. If you want to buy more than one ticket, just change the amount from $7.00 to whatever multiple you want. (If enough tickets aren’t sold, and the raffle has to be cancelled, your money will be refunded.) If the winner is in the DC area, Chris will arrange a drop-off/pick-up; if outside DC, he'll arrange insured shipping via FedEx or UPS.

The deadline for buying a ticket is October 14th, so if you’re interested…make sure you get a ticket soon. It’s only seven bucks!

You can see more of Chris’ artwork here.

Go %20&amount=0&item_name=raffleTicket" target=_blank>here to buy a ticket. (I know that link looks weird; it's got a character in it Blogger doesn't like, but it takes you to the right place.)

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