More Rovian Shenanigans

Salon is reporting that Turd Blossom might have more legal troubles, this time in Texas, where he is apparently registered to vote, even though he doesn’t live there. A lawyer for the Texas secretary of state’s office, Elizabeth Reyes, was quoted in a WaPo article as saying that a person who votes in a place he doesn’t live opens himself up to criminal prosecution. Apparently, lawyers who simply state the law, anywhere in the vicinity of a discussion of Rove’s dirty hijinks, opens herself up to persecution; after receiving a call from said scumbag, the Texas secretary of state fired Reyes.

I truly find it difficult to believe that there are any Americans left who believe George Bush or any of his cronies are honorable people. That this kind of punitive action is taken against anyone who even remotely challenges any member of the administration is demonstrative of a contempt for the law and for any semblance of ethics, the likes of which we have not seen before in this country—they are even worse than Nixon and his band of slimy yokels. (In fact, many of them are the same slimy yokels, with years of petulant misanthropy directing them to ever greater heights of sliminess.)

These guys have got to go. Every day brings new reasons. They’re corrupt to the core, and they ought to be run out of town with the equivalent amount of disgrace as the much ballyhooed integrity with which they supposed rode in.

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