
Did everyone see John Edwards on The Daily Show last night? I thought he was really good. (And, weirdly, I had a dream last night that I was talking to him about poverty issues; specifically the problems with firm line assistance, as opposed to subsidized assistance.)

The thing that struck me about Edwards is that he does one thing better than just about any other politician I can think of, Dem or Republican: Shut the fuck up. He answers questions succinctly and clearly, and then he stops and waits for his next question. I remember noticing the same thing during the primary debates last year, and it's a skill that other Dems would be wise to learn.

I suspect Edwards may be setting himself up for another presidential run. Personally, I'd like to see him continue his work with the poverty center he started, not because I think he'd make a bad president, but just because the issue of addressing poverty needs notable spokespeople.

What did you think about Edwards' appearance? Do you think he should run again in '08?

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