
I have a confession to make. You know how a bunch of blog commenting thingies have like a spam-blocker that requires a commenter to type in the letters she sees to authenticate the comment...? Okay, I suck at figuring out what those letters are.

Every once in awhile, I get nice, easily readable ones, but most of the time, a hugely disproportionate amount of the time, I'm stuck trying to figure out some squat squooshy wavy slanted jiggly hieroglyphic nonsense, and I can't figure out if it's a q or a g, or an h or an n, or whatever, and it makes me feel like a git. (Also, I'm dyslexic, which doesn't help.)

So there you go. Shakespeare's Sister is a dingbat, and any of you who use those confounding things now know that if I leave you a comment, I really had to work for it.

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