I'll give you one guess who won....
Crooks and Liars has the video, which is a must-see.
Can someone please show this to Democrats in some sort of media management class? Because this is how it's done. Cool, calm, collected. Disdain for ridiculous ideas registered with a subtly contemptuous look and a pregnant pause, bordered by a quick sigh, before an answer, ideally containing a meaningful "as you well know," is offered. Comandeering the discussion back to the points you want to make. Getting angry, but not irrational, as needed. Generally making your idiotic idea-wielding combatant look like a penis in a bowtie.
How come comedians can do this (see also: Stewart, Jon), but not the people we elect to represent us?
Strike that question. Here's a better one: Can we please start electing comedians to represent us ASAP?
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