First Sign of the Apocalypse

As soon as I saw it, my ire for Wacko Jacko, religious imagery in weird places, and our idiotic media that turns these things into “news” all merged into one swirling morass of irritation and disgust, and I had to take some aspirin very quickly before my head exploded again.

Slices of toast showing the face of Michael Jackson are being sold on eBay.

The singer was acquitted on child abuse charges last week reports BBC online.

Fans who are selling the toast claim the items are not faked and popped out of their toasters before or during the verdicts.

Other slices of toast with slogans such as "not guilty" have also appeared on the website.

One seller said: "This is a wonderful memento of this historic day that you will cherish for years to come."

Another vendor said a slice of toast with "not guilty" written on it popped up just before the verdicts.
Wow. Do you think people even, like, know we’re at war? Fucking hell!!!

(Thanks for the brilliant set-up with that last post, Spudsy…)

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