Who gave George the matches?

China Says US Impeded North Korea Arms Talks

I’m shocked… shocked!

Beijing - A senior Chinese diplomat on Thursday accused the Bush administration of undermining efforts to revive negotiations with the North Korean government and said there was "no solid evidence" that North Korea was preparing to test a nuclear weapon.

The comments by Yang Xiyu, a senior Foreign Ministry official and China's top official on the North Korean nuclear problem, were noteworthy because the Chinese authorities very rarely speak to journalists about the issue. The comments reflect growing frustration in Beijing with the Bush administration.

Even as the White House presses China to find a solution to the nuclear issue, Chinese officials say, it has hurled insults at North Korea and given its leaders excuses to stay away from the bargaining table.

Regardless to whether you agree with, or believe the Chinese officials or not, we're playing with fire here. Not everyone in the world is going to respond to tough words, a swagger, and a sock stuffed in the crotch of your air force uniform. Diplomacy and negotiation are words we should be keeping firmly in mind, otherwise the word that's going to suddenly become very important to us all is "hubris."

Go read the rest.

(Crosspost it, Crosspost it good)

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