Revenge of the Sis

I haven’t seen Episode III yet (and if you have, please, I beg you—no spoilers!), but I’m already loving that the Right’s got their collective panties all in a wad over it:
Conservative Web logs were lacerating Mr. Lucas over the film's perceived jabs at President Bush - as when Anakin Skywalker, on his way to becoming the evil Darth Vader, warns, "If you're not with me, you're my enemy," in an echo of Mr. Bush's post-9/11 ultimatum, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

A little-trafficked conservative Web site about film, - for "Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood" - added Mr. Lucas to its list of boycotted entertainers, along with more than 200 others, including Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn and the Dixie Chicks.
Forget ILM, forget THX, forget the 28 years of unmitigated joy he’s brought to my life and countless others’ with these films—if George Lucas has managed to accomplish making what is likely the last Star Wars movie ever unenjoyable for conservatives, it will be his greatest achievement EVER!!!

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