Kudos to Kraft

After coming under fire from conservative groups for their sponsorship of the Gay Games, Kraft, unlike some other megacorporations we could mention, hasn’t backed down from their position, instead defending their commitment to support diversity.

Here’s an excerpt from the statement issued by Marc Firestone, Executive Vice President, Corporate Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Kraft Foods, Inc.:
The true test of any commitment is how you respond when challenged. Kraft is experiencing this to a degree right now, as a result of our decision to be one of several contributors to the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago. The games will bring together thousands of athletes in a competition that will take place in our corporate hometown.


Diversity is more than a word many people like to say. At Kraft we truly respect all kinds of differences. And diversity is not a selective concept. By definition, it's nothing if not inclusive. We respect diversity of ethnicity, gender, experience, background, personal style and yes, sexual orientation and gender identity. Recognizing, respecting and valuing these differences helps us be a more successful business and a workplace where all employees can realize their full potential.


It can be difficult when we are criticized. It's easy to say you support a concept or a principle when nobody objects. The real test of commitment is how one reacts when there are those who disagree. I hope you share my view that our company has taken the right stand on diversity, including its contribution to the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago.
That’s being a leader. That’s corporate responsibility. That’s the way to tell the conservative barbarians clawing at your gate that the problem is theirs, not yours.

I’m gonna go buy me some Cheese & Macaroni!

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