Crooks and Liars has the video up of Jeff Gannon on Real Time with Bill Maher.
They note, “Pretty tame questioning for Bill after he has lambasted Jimmy/Jeff in the past.,” and I agree. It was pretty tame. Better than most, though. Still, I’d love it if one single stinking interviewer would respond to Gannon’s boilerplate reply about his past as a rentboy—“Those allegations aren’t relevant”—with the obvious follow-up question, “But aren’t they true?” It’s not like his reply is unexpected; he answers the same way every time. Ditto to the follow-up to his assertion that this whole thing started because he asked a question “liberals didn’t like.” When will someone call his ass out on the fact that his question was not objectionable because of its blatant conservatism, but because it contained a blatant lie, attributing a quote to Harry Reid that was not accurate, but instead an imaginary concoction conjured by Rush Limbaugh? Given the opportunity, wouldn’t any of us be willing to ask the tough questions no interview will? Why are they so pathetic?
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