Tick, tick, tick...

Oh, please please let this be the beginning of the end for the insult to our government that is the egregiously offensvie Tom DeLay. John Aravosis reports:
The Washington Post is reporting that Democrats smell blood in the water and Republicans are finally getting worried that Tom DeLay's endless ethical violations and refusal to clean up his act despite years of political embarrassment may finally be making him vulnerable to serious problems.

"With some members increasingly concerned that DeLay had left himself vulnerable to attack, several Republican aides and lobbyists said for the first time that they are worried about whether he will survive and what the consequences could be for the party's image," says the Washington Post.

Could the deLay in kicking his butt out finally be over?
Oh, how I look forward to the beautiful day,
That marks the end of his powerful sway,
When he’s found guilty as charged and taken away,
And the House can commence without further DeLay…

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