It's Really a Schoolyard in Hoboken

On Monday, we (meaning someone totally not me) discovered that CNN was using the same aerial photograph to represent nuclear facilities in both North Korea and Iran. It was clever, their cropping and enlarging part of one image so they didn’t look exactly the same, but you just can’t fool all of the people all of the time, no matter how hard you try.

While there were some very amusing comments on this particular story, including Me4President’s wise observation, “That is sneaky of Iran. Building their nuclear bombs in North Korea. Or is it the other way around? Either way, we should invade Cuba,” it seems our fun is over. Dark Wraith reports:
Good morning, Shakespeare's Sister. As a closing note on this ugly little piece of disinformation, CNN has now edited the article on North Korea, replacing the picture of the suspected Iranian nuclear facility with one of a "suspected North Korean" nuclear facility and inserting a "Correction" box well down in the article.

This all was done well after the article was no longer available as a primary link in their news cycle.

Today, the one photograph you present here is again being used by CNN to show a "suspected" Iranian nuclear facility. I suppose that this is okay: now that they've gotten their propaganda message straightened out, they may proceed with being a responsible journalistic mouthpiece for the Pentagon as it whips us toward yet another war that simply must be fought.

The Dark Wraith braces for the drumbeat.
And Shakespeare’s Sister puts her ear to the ground.

Well done, CNN. Thanks very much for your contribution to the downfall of our democracy.

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