No Crisis, Continued

For today’s daily installment of There Is No Crisis, our featured guest is former GOP Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

That’s right. According to Bloomberg (link via Talking Points Memo):
Even Newt Gingrich, the Republican former speaker of the House of Representatives and a supporter of private accounts, says, ``The combination of higher birth rates and more immigration makes the United States the healthiest of developed nations. This is not a crisis.''
Zowie! Exactly how far to the right does one have to get before they make Newt Gingrich sound like a voice of friggin’ reason?

But don’t just take Newt’s word for it. If you’re interested in another reason for not reforming Social Security, check out today’s post from the Rude Pundit, which features the testimonials of those whose lives would not have been the same without the survivor benefits provided them by our old and trusted pal, Social Security.

There is no crisis.

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