Kerry by a Nose

USA Today reports that Furious George’s approval ratings are slipping:

Unease about the country's direction has eroded Bush's job approval rating into dangerous territory for an incumbent president. And Kerry holds a decided advantage on the domestic issues that will be the focus of their last face-to-face encounter.

Their newest poll shows Kerry with a 2% lead over Bush in a two-way race. They also note that Bush’s response to the hurricanes in Florida could help him a bit, possibly swaying 13% of undecided voters in his direction, though the majority say his response will not affect their decision at all.

In other Florida news, the Washington Post reports that party loyalties drawn along ethnic lines in the Sunshine State are changing:

Haitian Americans, once solidly Democratic, are in play for the GOP. Arab Americans, once reliably Republican, are nudging toward the Democratic ticket. Cuban Americans, a staple of the GOP, are considered gettable by Democrats. Moving even small numbers of these minority voters -- either to the polls for the first time or into a different party's vote-tally column -- could have a huge impact during this closest of battleground races in this closest of presidential elections.

Of course, whether Florida actually allows any of these people to vote is another story altogether.

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