The First Ladies Club

Interesting conversation between Mr. Shakespeare's Sister and I this evening on our way home from the salt mines. In contemplating just what it might be that finally swings a swing voter in one direction or another, we settled momentarily on the wives of the candidates. It occurred to me that one could do worse than voting for one of the two just on the basis of whether one liked the Mrs., considering if that's one's decision-making criteria, one obviously has no interest, or ability, to discern the actual issues.

If you prefer Mrs. Bush, it's probably because she and Furious George have been together a long time, (allegedly) worked their way through his alcoholism with prayer, have a very traditional marriage, etc. She has, in fact, discussed how she doesn't 'get involved' in policy discussions and defers to Junior on most matters, and she tends to come across as the sort of quiet, submissive librarian that she is supposed to be. Someone to whom such a set-up appeals is probably more likely to themselves be quite conservative and traditional.

If, however, you prefer Mrs. Heinz Kerry, it's probably because she and the Senator are a blended family; it's the second marriage for both. They seem to have quite the egalitarian relationship, and she's fiery and worldly and opinionated. She is outspoken about her beliefs, her history, and her ideas, and she is by all accounts extremely active with her own foundation, and puts in a lot of time on her own things, separate from her husband. Someone to whom such a match appeals is probably more likely to themselves be quite progressive and forward-looking.

Summary: Laura = retro; Teresa = metro.

A little pithy post for the evening as Shakespeare's Sister yawns...

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