Edwards: Da Bomb?

Interesting Surfergirl column by Dana Stevens on Slate about John Edwards’ favorite movie:

Last night, Turner Classic Movies kicked off a monthlong series called "Party Politics and the Movies," in which senators are invited to choose and introduce their favorite films. John Edwards was the inaugural guest, and his selection was almost shockingly bold: Dr. Strangelove. This 1964 black comedy is best remembered for its closing image: Slim Pickens, playing a bellicose Texan Air Force pilot, yodels with glee as he rides a "nucular" missile to his death, initiating worldwide Armageddon. Essentially, Strangelove is the story of a few deluded powermongers who destroy the world because they can't admit they're wrong. Edwards was bashful about drawing parallels, but host Ben Mankiewicz finally baited the hook for him: "Is there any message you would like President Bush or Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to get from this movie?" Edwards' answer, delivered in his usual courtly drawl, was a quiet little knife in the president's ribs: "Human beings are fallible. They make mistakes ... that's why it's so important to have somebody at the top of the civilian government who understands what's happening and has good sound judgment."

Kudos to Edwards for A) that “quiet little knife in the president’s ribs,” and B) excellent taste in films.

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