Wednesday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by the smell of freshly cut grass.

Recommended Reading:

Serena Williams at Harper's Bazaar: [Content Note: Misogynoir; moving images at link] Serena Williams Will Never Regret Using Her Voice to Speak Out Against Injustice

Deborah Netburn at the LA Times: [CN: Moving images at link] A Retired Teacher Found Some Seahorses off Long Beach; Then He Built a Secret World for Them

Jacqueline Alnes at Longreads: Lions, Tigers, and a Rabbit Named Bugs: A Reading List on Animal-Human Interactions

Tanisha Sykes at Dame: [CN: Misogyny] Building Wealth Is Key to Gender Equality

Kevin Fallon at the Daily Beast: Lulu Wang Directed the Best Movie of the Year. It's All a Lie.

Sara Delgado at Teen Vogue: Joe Jonas Had to Explain the "No One" Meme to Nick Jonas

Julia Cross at THV: Remembering Woody Woodstock Yamaduki Hardy

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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