Shaker Gardens

A thread for sharing what's going on in our gardens, outdoor or indoor. What we're planting, what we're planning, what's growing, what's blooming, whatever!

We had to take down a small tree in front of our house because, between that tree and two larger trees on either side of it, there was just too much aerial congestion around the power lines, so we turned its former home into a flower bed.

image of a small flower bed filled with newly planted things

We planted two Pink Double Knock Out Rose bushes, a pincushion flower plant, an astilbe plant, and a red echinacea (cone flower).

And the additional sunlight on the three salvia that Deeks and I planted one weekend when he was visiting will hopefully help them thrive. I think they were getting a little too much shade.

It's quite sparse now, of course, but, if everything stays alive and grows 🤞, it's going to be quite a colorful habitat for the bees and butterflies!

As always, you are welcome and encouraged to share stories and pix of what's happening in your garden!

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