What I'm Watching

This is a thread to share all the good things you're watching at the moment, or have recently watched. Serialized shows on broadcast or streaming; films; digital shorts; stand-up; documentaries; performances — whatever! Tell us what you're watching and enjoying these days.

Two shows I really enjoy just started new seasons:

image of the logo for the TV show Alone

1. Alone, which airs on the History Channel, is a survival competition in which 10 women and men are dropped into isolated sectors of the same wilderness with 10 survival items, a satellite phone in case of emergency, and a bunch of cameras (and batteries), and then whoever lasts the longest wins half a million dollars.

They have no idea, of course, when the other people tap out, so every day, especially as the days start to stretch into weeks and the weeks into months, they start to wonder if they're getting close to the end, which starts to effect their calculations about how much they can and want to tolerate.

It's fascinating to watch them talk about why they're staying, or why they're leaving — and see which people learn something about themselves, and which people really, really don't.

Even if you think you're not into survival shit, you might be into Alone, because it is wildly (pun intended) compelling.

There have been five seasons already, so, if you get into it, you've got plenty of entertainment awaiting you!

image of the cast of Big Little Lies

2. Big Little Lies, which airs on HBO, just started its second season — now with 100% more Meryl Streep!

Every one of the women in this show is terrific in it, but, my word, Nicole Kidman is just phenomenal. I've always thought she was a fine actress, and didn't feel strongly about her one way or another, but she really stuns me in every episode of this show. Wow.

Anyway! What are you watching these days?

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