Trump Rally Thread

As I mentioned earlier, Donald Trump is officially kicking off his reelection campaign tonight with a big rally in Orlando that he's promised will be "wild." His deplorable cultists are all amped up care of his announcement of a nativist purge, and some of them have been lining up for more than a day now, so they're ready to let loose.

I am not going to be live-tweeting it, because fuck him. But here is a place to discuss it, should you want to do that, as it happens, whatever happens.

You can follow along on Twitter using the hashtag #TrumpRallyOrlando, and the Orlando Sentinel team has a thread of the happenings that begins here.

Like I always say during inflection points during Trump's presidency, I just hope everyone gets through this rally safely.

As horrendous as his campaign was in 2016, it's going to be so much worse now that he has virtually unlimited power and no fear of consequences.

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