Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Carpe Librarium: "What is your handwriting like? Do you tend to use cursive, print, or block letters? Is it something you enjoy, or something you prefer to (or needs must) avoid? How has it changed over time? Are you left-side or right-side dominant, or ambidextrous? Do you use your hand, or mouth, or cheek and shoulder, or foot?"

My handwriting is messy. I use some combination of cursive and print. It used to be so precise when I was younger, and now it's just an illegible mess from disuse.

I am ambidextrous, although I typically use my right hand to hold a writing implement, just because that's the hand it was always stuck in when I was first learning to write.

But I can write with either hand — and I can write backwards and forwards, upside-down, and upside-down and backwards. I'm also a great forger of other people's handwriting, though I never use it for nefarious purposes, of course; it's just a fun party trick.

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