Keep Shakesville Gallopin' Along

image of a mini horse galloping in a field, to which I've added large text reading LOOK AT THIS MINI HORSE!
[Image via Pixabay.]

Now that I have your attention: This is, for those who have requested it, your bi-monthly reminder to donate to Shakesville and an important fundraiser to keep Shakesville gallopin' along.

(I know. Galloping along. I AM SORRY! But I wanted to post a picture of a mini horse BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING ADORABLE and "pony up!" felt a little aggressive, lol.)

Anyway! Y'all know all the reasons I have to request donations on the regular, all of which essentially come down to this: If you don't donate, I don't make money, and I can't do a full-time job for less than a liveable wage.

So, if you value the content and/or community in this space, please consider setting up a subscription or making a single end-of-year contribution.

Please click the button below to make a one-time donation:

Or use the below dropdown menu to choose set up a recurring monthly donation:

Subscription Options

As I mentioned on Wednesday, I have also set up a Venmo account, and you can make a donation via their mobile app. There's also a link in the sidebar. My transactions are set to private, so no one will ever be able to see any information about any donations you make.

As always: Please note that I don't want anyone to feel obliged to contribute financially, especially if money is tight. There is a big enough readership that no one needs to donate if it would be a hardship.

One of the things I hate most about fundraising is knowing that it might make some people feel bad, if they want to donate but aren't able. I would never presume to tell you how to feel, but please know that I don't want you to feel bad.

Your kind words and gestures sustain me, too — and your encouragement makes doing this easier. Y'all support me in many ways, and I am immensely thankful for them all. ♥

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