Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Darcassan: "If you're a driver, do you move your whole body as you manoeuvre your vehicle? I have noticed that I move my entire body a lot (in a way that seems somewhat unnecessary to operating a 4 wheeled vehicle) while driving, such as leaning into corners. 'I do not drive' is of course a totally cromulent answer."

I don't drive at the moment, and haven't for awhile now, because of recurrent vertigo, but, when I did drive, I was a very still and relaxed driver. I never felt tense at the wheel, because I learned to drive in northwest Indiana winters, in Chicago highway traffic, and on New York City streets, so there was very little that made me nervous.

I'm not suggesting, by the way, that anyone who throws their body into it while driving does so because of nerves. Being concerned about something on the road was just the only reason I ever moved appreciably while driving.

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