Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Rebecca Desantis: "What is your favorite thing about where you live? If not the town you live in, the nearest major city?"

My favorite thing about having moved to the Philly area is, to be perfectly blunt, that I'm a lot closer to Deeks and we get to see each other far more often now. That shouldn't be construed as a negative commentary on the area, but instead a commentary on how much I love hanging out with Deeks.

Other things I like about where I live now:

There are hills! I loved flat old Indiana and the views for miles, but I also love looking toward the horizon and seeing shapes on the landscape.

The amenities! There's just simply a lot of stuff around here that there wasn't in Northwest Indiana. Which is partly just a reflection of the difference between living in a truly suburban area vs. an exurban area, but is also, if I'm honest, because of the difference in investment — by a state government that hasn't been totally seized by Republicans, and by corporations that don't want to put down roots in flyover states, especially ones that pass regressive legislation against marginalized people on the regular.

The winters! I cannot lie. I do not miss living on the southern tip of Lake Michigan and being inundated with lake effect snow for months. I miss the Dunes desperately, but not the winter that comes with them.

Wegmans! I have literally said to friends who ask if I'll ever move back to Indiana, "I honestly don't know if I can leave Wegmans," and it is only half a joke, lol.

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