Trump Wants His Revenge

Despite the fact that we have not yet seen Special Counsel Bob Mueller's report in its entirety, Donald Trump has declared himself "exonerated," and now he is ready to wage war on anyone who accused him of collusion with Russia.

I noted earlier that Trump was preparing to "call for organizations to fire members of the media and former government officials who he believes made false accusations about him," and he reiterated his commitment to vengeance while taking questions from the press today:
On Monday, sitting with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, at the White House, he was asked if he still believed the investigation had been a witch hunt.

He replied, ominously: "There are a lot of people out there that have done some very evil things, very bad things, I would say treasonous things against our country and hopefully people that have done such harm to our country … those people will certainly be looked at."
The Trump Regime circulated prepared talking points to surrogates last night, and is sending a memo to TV producers admonishing them not to have as guests a number of his critics.

At the same time, the White House Press Secretary went on television to do exactly what I have been warning since October 2017 that the Trump Regime would do — turn this entire thing on its head and accuse critics of being traitors to underwrite a plan to silence and punish dissidents. And she upped the ante with a casual reminder that treason is "punishable by death in this country."

Meanwhile, Bernard Kerik tweeted that House Republicans are planning on "making criminal referrals to AG William Barr for officials who 'perpetuated this hoax' for 3+ yrs, in an attempted coup of" Trump.

He almost certainly got that information from his old pal Rudy Giuliani.

And Ukrainian news is reporting "that the Prosecutor General of Ukraine had a meeting with Giuliani last month. After the meeting the Ukrainian opened an investigation into Clinton/DNC/Ukraine conspiracy allegations."

So, to be clear, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine is opening an investigation into Hillary Clinton — the only one of the major 2016 contenders who didn't work with someone who had worked for Viktor Yanukovych, the then-prime minister of Ukraine and Putin ally, in 2014. Clinton did, however, work with Joel Benenson, who had worked for Yanukovych's opponent, former Parliament speaker Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who became Prime Minister of Ukraine after Yanukovych was ousted in 2014.

And the Ukrainian investigation was opened after the Prosecutor General met with Giuliani last month.

In other words: The president's personal attorney is orchestrating the domestic war on dissidents and the international war on dissidents.

That is incredibly serious.

I will, finally, just quickly observe that if Giuliani met with the Prosecutor General of Ukraine last month, that was probably right around the same time this happened: "Special counsel Robert Mueller and members of his team informed Attorney General William Barr three weeks ago that they would not reach a conclusion on the question of whether the president had obstructed justice."

Huh. Quite the coincidence, that.

Trump wants to have his revenge, and the only people with the power to stop him are instead offering their assistance.

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