Trump Gives Alarming, Ranting Speech at CPAC

On Saturday, at the grotesque annual display that is the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Donald Trump rambled, raved, swore, wildly gesticulated, and profusely sweated through a more than two-hour speech, rife with the usual lies and exaggerations, during which he attacked Special Counsel Bob Mueller, mocked former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, oversaw a "Lock her up!" chant, and threatened to issue an executive order withdrawing federal funding from universities that don't support free speech.

[Content Note: Video autoplays at link] The Guardian has a compilation video of some of the more alarming moments from the speech, although there was hardly a moment that wasn't profoundly unsettling. The associated description of the video notes it was Trump's "longest speech yet," and describes it as "a chaotic, unscripted oration filled with unflattering impersonations of the president's opponents."

The Toronto Star's Daniel Dale, continuing to do the work of the angels, live-tweeted the entire fucking mess, and his thread is a must-read, to truly get the flavor of what Trump delivered to screaming cheers and applause.

Trump's speech is incredibly distressing. Also distressing is that the overwhelming public reaction to his speech has been one of laughter and ridicule, despite the fact that Trump was throwing fascist red meat to his conservative base, who are gobbling up his authoritarian fuckery as fast as he can disgorge it.

He's getting more and more extreme, and this is a preview of what we're going to see throughout the 2020 campaign.

It's chilling.

There isn't a single funny thing about it.

People laughed Donald Trump right into the Republican nomination and then right into the White House, and now they're going to laugh him right into reelection and a full-blown dictatorship.

No one is more happy that people mistake Donald Trump for a clown than Donald Trump.

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