Suspected Arson Attack at California Mosque

[Content Note: Islamophobia; terrorism; arson.]

The Dar-ul-Arqam mosque in Escondido was attacked by an unknown arsonist who "left behind graffiti referencing the deadly New Zealand terrorist attacks."

No arrests have yet been made, and authorities "have launched investigations into suspected arson and a hate crime."
Yusef Miller, a member of the Muslim community in Escondido, said: "We're not surprised by this incident... But, we're very on edge right now." Police revealed the suspect left a message in graffiti in the mosque's parking lot that referenced the New Zealand shooting, but didn't say exactly what it said. Seven people were inside the mosque at the time of the fire and were able to put it out with a fire extinguisher before firefighters arrived. "We're going to stay vigilant. We're not going to close down this mosque yet. People are still going to come pray," said Miller.
Just awful. I'm so glad no one was hurt.

And I'm so scared that things are going to get much worse.

That Donald Trump responded to what he claims is an "exoneration" by Special Counsel Bob Mueller by doubling down on his campaign of stochastic terrorism, braying in an email to supporters that "Democrats and the Fake News Media have proven that there is no line they won't cross, so we need to fight back BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE," is absolutely chilling. When he loses, he lashes out. When he wins, he lashes out. Any excuse to lash out, and to urge his cultists to "fight back."

I take up space in solidarity with everyone who is the target of Donald Trump's ire.

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