Quote of the Day

"One of the things that I have found absolutely thrilling in working for this administration is the president has a knack for keeping the attention of the media and the public focused somewhere else while we do all the work that needs to be done on behalf of the American people." — Joe Balash, Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management, speaking to a group of fossil fuel industry leaders at a meeting of the International Association of Geophysical Contractors last month.

According to the Guardian, Balash told the representatives of companies in the oil exploration business who were in attendance that Donald Trump has made it way easier for the administration to "soon issue a proposal making large portions of the Atlantic available for oil and gas development" because, basically, no one is paying attention thanks to Trump's stellar distraction techniques.

For fuck's sake.

Hey, Joe — if opening the ocean to oil and gas drilling is really something that "needs to be done on behalf of the American people," then why do you need the president to distract us from noticing that you're doing it?

That's rhetorical, obviously.

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