Wednesday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by turmeric.

Recommended Reading:

Nick Phillips at Nogales International: [Content Note: Nativism; border militarization] Despite Complaints, Soldiers Add More Wire to Nogales Border Fence

Dr. Leana Wen at Self: Before I Was President of Planned Parenthood, I Was Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer at a Routine Screening

Oliver Wainwright at the Guardian: Super-Tall, Super-Skinny, Super-Expensive: The 'Pencil Towers' of New York's Super-Rich

Maddie Stone at Earther: Scientists Will Once Again Try to Explore Alien Ecosystem Exposed by Giant Antarctic Iceberg

Jessica Stewart at My Modern Met: Humpback Whales Separated by a Continent Are "Remixing" Each Other's Songs

Kate Hudson at Pajiba: [CN: Invasion of privacy; general creepiness] Is It a Ghost or a Dude Living in Your Closet? Pajiba Investigates.

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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