Wednesday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by sunshine.

Recommended Reading:

Shireen Shakouri at Reproaction: Trump's Government Shutdown Is a Reproductive Justice Issue

Fannie Wolfe at Fannie's Room: On the Hashtag Resistance

Makena Kelly at the Verge: Twitter Will Begin a Public Test of New Features in the Coming Weeks

(Note from Liss: I'm recommending the above piece because it's informational, not because I support these changes Twitter is making. To the absolute contrary, I despise them. And as I noted on the platform: "If Twitter wants to improve my user experience, they can get the Nazis off their platform and implement an algorithm that stops serving me American football news because I follow the English Premier League.")

Peter Dockrill at Science Alert: Here's What Happened When an Alaskan City Took Fluoride out of Their Drinking Water

Veronica Arreola at Viva la Feminista: She'll Do All of This. And She'll Do None of This.

Miranda Culp at Dame: [CN: Neonaticide] What Is Causing Some Women to Kill Their Newborns?

Julie Beck at the Atlantic: The Personality Trait That Makes People Feel Comfortable Around You

Rochelle Johnson at Beauticurve: Creating a Sweet Monochromatic Look

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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