Hello! This Is a Reminder That Hannah Gadsby Is Very Smart and Very Good at Her Job!

[Content Note: Toxic masculinity.]

Given the opportunity to speak at The Hollywood Reporter's 2018 Women in Entertainment gala, comedian Hannah Gadsby talked about "the good men," and not in the way that women usually feel obliged to talk about "good men" on such a platform.

You can watch or read a transcript of the entire thing (which also calls in people of other privileges) at Vulture, but here is an excerpt made of ferocity and fire:
My issue is that when good men talk about bad men, they always ignore the line in the sand — the line in the sand that is inevitably drawn whenever a good man talks about bad men: "I am a good man. Here is the line. There are all the bad men." The Jimmys and the good men won't talk about this line, but we really need to talk about this line. Let's call it Kevin. And let's never call it that again.

We need to talk about how men will draw a different line for every different occasion. They have a line for the locker room; a line for when their wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters are watching; another line for when they're drunk and fratting; another line for nondisclosure; a line for friends; and a line for foes. You know why we need to talk about this line between good men and bad men? Because it's only good men who get to draw that line. And guess what? All men believe they are good.

We need to talk about this because guess what happens when only good men get to draw that line? This world — a world full of good men who do very bad things and still believe in their heart of hearts that they are good men because they have not crossed the line, because they move the line for their own good. Women should be in control of that line, no question.

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