Trump Continues to Brazenly Set the Stage to Declare Elections Illegitimate

In July, Donald Trump tweeted that Russia will be interfering in the midterms to the benefit of Democrats. Now he's at the United Nations saying that China is interfering in the midterms:

Again, his assertion is that China is interfering to Democrats' benefit: "Regrettably, we found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election. Coming up in November. Against my administration. They do not want me, or us, to win, because I am the first president ever to challenge China on trade. And we are winning on trade. We are winning on every level. We do not want them to meddle or interfere in our upcoming election."

On what is this contention based? He offers no evidence. We are meant to take his conjecture as fact, simply because he states it that way.

It may even now seem implausible that Trump would or could reject out of hand the results of the midterm elections.

But electoral challenges end up before the Supreme Court, which, you may have heard, he's currently in the process of stacking with flunkies who will reflexively rule in his favor.

So this is no joke. This is a(nother) constitutional crisis in the making, care of our authoritarian president.

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