Wednesday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by a bit of sunshine.

Recommended Reading:

Sara Williams at Ms.: [Content Note: Unsafe abortion; death] Daring to Remember: What Nursing School Taught Me About Abortion

Yessenia Funes at Earther: [CN: Environmental racism] The Dakota Access Pipeline Wants to Ship Even More Oil Across Tribal Lands

Brian Kahn at Earther: [CN: Animal harm] Climate Change Is Cooking the Oceans

Simon Critchley at the New York Times: Revelation of a Liverpool Soccer Fan

Megh Wright at Vulture: Hannah Gadsby to Bless Us with Wisdom in New Memoir Ten Steps to Nanette

Laura Sirikul at the Nerds of Color: The Meg Director Jon Turtletaub Says There's No Excuse for a Non-Diverse Cast

Dorothy Snarker at Dorothy Surrenders: Love, Decency

Rochelle Johnson at Beauticurve: Summer Fruits

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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