Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound and Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt standing by the back door, grinning
Two good puppers wait by patiently by the back door while two
humans roll out freshly laundered runners for the spindly-legged elder.

In his older age, Dudley has gotten really unstable on hardwood and tile floors, so we now have a patchwork of runners throughout the house to make it safer for him to traverse the uncarpeted bits. It's not only less stressful for him as he gallops about the place, but it helps keep a lid on muddy paws, so win-win!

Also: In addition to needing his runners in place to reenter the house, he also requires Zelda to go through the door first. If he stays out longer than she does, which is very rare, I have to send her back out so he can follow her in. "Go get Dudley!" I tell her, and she runs back out, positions herself in front of him, and runs back in with him directly behind. She is such a good girl, and they are so darn cute.

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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