Counterprotesters Win the Day at White Supremacist Demonstration

[Content Note: White supremacy.]

Yesterday, on the one-year anniversary of the deadly white supremacist action in Charlottesville, a bunch of white supremacists organized an event in D.C. They were, however, utterly overwhelmed by counterprotesters and law enforcement, resulting in pretty terrific headlines like:

Washington Post: White Supremacist Rally Near White House Dwarfed by Thousands of Anti-Hate Protesters.

Politico: Police, Counterprotesters Dramatically Outnumber White Supremacists at Rally.

CNN: White Nationalists Dwarfed by Crowds of Counterprotesters in Washington.

image of a Black man in front of a crowd of anti-hate protesters, raising his fist into the air
[Photo via The Root.]

There is a white supremacist in the Oval Office, surrounded by people who abet his vile white supremacist policies, and the power they hold is massive. But yesterday was another very visible and compelling reminder that a majority of We the People continue to reject and fervently resist their agenda.

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