Cohen Strikes Plea Deal

Or will do, shortly. Kara Scannell, Shimon Prokupecz, Laura Jarrett, and Erica Orden at CNN report:
Michael Cohen, [Donald] Trump's former personal attorney, has surrendered to the FBI ahead of a 4 p.m. court proceeding, where the government is expected to disclose a plea deal, according to a law enforcement source.

As part of the deal, Cohen is expected to plead guilty to multiple counts of campaign finance violations, tax fraud, and bank fraud, according to three sources. The deal would include jail time and a substantial monetary fine.

...As part of the plea deal under discussion earlier Tuesday, Cohen was not expected to cooperate with the government, one source told CNN.

When it was reported last week that George Papadopoulos did not cooperate but was still getting sentenced to a mere 0-6 months, I wrote: "I have repeatedly expressed (to no small amount of pushback) concerns about the urgency and purpose of Mueller's investigation. Nothing I've seen today has disabused me of those concerns."

Rinse and repeat.

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