Fat Fashion

This is your semi-regular thread in which fat women can share pix, make recommendations for clothes they love, ask questions of other fat women about where to locate certain plus-size items, share info about sales, talk about what jeans cut at what retailer best fits their body shapes, discuss how to accessorize neutral colored suits, share stories of going bare-armed for the first time, brag about a cool fashion moment, whatever.

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It is so freaking hot here that I was really glad to have a light blouse to wear when I had to venture outdoors yesterday evening.

image of me standing in a mirror, wearing a white blouse with a colorful floral pattern and red jeans

I don't remember where I got the blouse; I think it might have been Jessica London. The red jeans I got from Loft, and I will say once again that I am loving their new plus line.

Back in my body-loathing days when I draped myself in layers of black fabric, I literally never had a single piece of appropriate clothing for summer, no less for a stretch like the heatwave we're having now.

I never would have owned, no less worn, a blouse like the one pictured above. Too sheer; too fitted (and it's not fitted at all!); far too colorful; too likely to draw attention. The thought of wearing red pants would have ended me!

So thank Maude for having moved into a better relationship with my body, because I was exceedingly glad to have a breezy blouse and lightweight pants when my phone was reading "96° | Feels like 106°" ughhhhhh.

Anyway! As always, all subjects related to fat fashion are on topic, but if you want a topic for discussion: What's your go-to outfit when it's hot as balls out there?

Have at it in comments! Please remember to make fat women of all sizes, especially women who find themselves regularly sizing out of standard plus-size lines, welcome in this conversation, and pass no judgment on fat women who want to and/or feel obliged, for any reason, to conform to beauty standards. And please make sure if you're soliciting advice, you make it clear you're seeking suggestions—and please be considerate not to offer unsolicited advice. Sometimes people just need to complain and want solidarity, not solutions.

[Note: I am not receiving anything in return for my recommendations here, nor am I affiliated in any way with any of the companies mentioned herein. Any endorsements made are on products I purchased myself, just because I like them!]

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